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At the crossroads of DeFi development, Pencils Protocol leads investors to "look ahead."

Are there still Alpha opportunities in the DeFi market?

Declining DeFi

Decentralized Finance (DeFi) was once the starting point for the development of the blockchain world and an important pillar of on-chain liquidity. However, since the total value locked (TVL) in the DeFi sector reached a historical peak of over $180 billion in 2021, the DeFi space has begun to decline due to a series of black swan events. Although the recent surge in inscriptions and factors like ETFs have sparked a new bull market at the beginning of this year, as of August 2024, the total TVL of DeFi has fallen back to around $40 billion, far from its peak.


From the user's perspective, the initial DeFi market was full of Alpha opportunities. Whether it was liquidity mining, lending, or the emerging on-chain derivatives market, users were offered considerable returns. For example, during the summer of 2020, liquidity mining annualized returns reached hundreds or even thousands of percentage points, leading to a massive influx of capital. However, since 2023, with the rise of narratives like DePIN, RWA, and AI, the DeFi story has gradually faded from view, becoming a forgotten part of the crypto world’s sector rotation. As the overall narrative of DeFi has weakened and remained unchanged, the internal competition within the industry has intensified, and the significant shrinkage of user returns has further exacerbated capital outflow. Currently, the annualized returns of lending protocols have dropped to 5%-10%, a significant decline compared to earlier periods.

DeFi is becoming a red ocean market, and many DeFi protocols are struggling to develop. For instance, Fuji Finance and Gro Protocol, which were once highly regarded, have ceased operations due to difficulties in maintaining operations. Meanwhile, various blue-chip DeFi projects face different challenges. Protocols like Uniswap and Curve have seen daily trading volumes drop by over 50% from their peak, while Aave and Compound are struggling to address debt crises and yield distribution issues. MakerDAO is attempting to innovate its lending system by introducing RWA assets and launching new NST stablecoins to capture market increments.

Regardless, when investors look back, they find that the vast majority of the DeFi ecosystem struggles to attract new capital and users due to outdated narratives and a lack of innovation in products. At this stage, market participants' attention is often focused on more mature markets, making it difficult for investors to find new Alpha opportunities.

"Looking Forward"
However, if we "look forward," a DeFi ecosystem with more novel narrative capabilities, more innovative product systems, and significant potential that is severely undervalued in its early stages will certainly be a new treasure for discovering Alpha opportunities. In this direction, we believe that Pencils Protocol, a leading project in the Scroll ecosystem, is one of the few examples that meet the above criteria.

Pencils Protocol itself is a comprehensive ecosystem that provides financial services such as auctions and yield aggregation. Users can capture on-chain native yields through methods like Farming and Vault (an advanced strategy library). Additionally, the protocol supports users in capturing pre-market rewards, including a series of points, and can serve as a liquidity underlying facility while being combinable with various LSD protocols. Furthermore, its novel sections, including Shop and auctions, allow users to explore yields further through NFTFi, RWA, and retain multifunctional interfaces for combinations with more narratives.

While the vast majority of DeFi protocols continue to build their systems around DEX, lending, and perpetual derivatives in the red ocean market, Pencils Protocol breaks free from the classic DeFi protocol framework, achieving significant breakthroughs in both products and narratives, and aims to burst into the blue ocean market.

Since Pencils Protocol entered the market, it has continuously achieved highlights. Just a few months ago, it secured $2.5 million in funding at a valuation of $25 million from leading capital firms including OKX Ventures, Animoca Brands, Galxe, Gate.io Labs, Aquarius, Presto, and Agarwood Capital, as well as several individuals including Scroll co-founder Sandy Peng, V Fund partner Ashely Xiong, Inception Capital co-founder David Gan, Cyberconnect founder Ryan Li, and Arcanum Capital co-founder Lucia Zhang.

In September, Pencils Protocol secured a new round of strategic financing at an $80 million valuation from well-known investment institutions such as DePIN X, Taisu Ventures, Black GM Capital, and Bing Ventures.


At the same time, Pencils Protocol has also joined a series of official Scroll ecosystem plans, including Scroll Sessions. The project has maintained a high level of attention in the crypto market.

Pencils Protocol's TVL has skyrocketed alongside the progress of the series of markets, especially from July 22 to 23, when its TVL surged from $200 million to $300 million in just 24 hours, breaking the historical record for DeFi protocols achieving capital growth on a single chain. The valuation represents expectations for the ecosystem's development potential and imagination, while the market's valuation of Pencils Protocol, which is emerging and still in its early development stage (not yet TGE), is clearly undervalued.


Let’s explore Pencils Protocol in more depth and seek potential Alpha opportunities.

Pencils Protocol's Product Sections

As mentioned above, Pencils Protocol is not a DeFi platform focused on a single function but has built a multifunctional comprehensive service platform that encompasses numerous basic and novel functions, providing a series of returns for investors through various methods. The product sections of Pencils Protocol include Farming, Vault, Auction, and a series of expansion functions.


Farming is a pre-market incentive yield market with leverage characteristics. This section primarily stakes assets through Staking and can provide users with multiple different point incentives. Users who stake different assets will receive different point effects. Currently, the assets supported for staking in the Farming section mainly include several categories: ETH LRT tokens, BTC LRT tokens, and stablecoins.


Some potential pre-market points that can be mined include: Pencils Protocol's points, Pencils Points; Scroll chain's points, Socrll Marks; Eigenlayer's points, Eigenlayer Points; and points from some LRT projects like Stone Points, Kelp Miles, Puffer Points, Etherfi Loyalty Points, Solv XP, Mind XP, etc. The multiples of points obtained from staking different tokens vary, ranging from about 1x to 8x, allowing users to achieve a "one fish, multiple eats" effect with high efficiency.

From Pencils Protocol's perspective, it further endows LRT assets with incentive utility in staking through a combinable approach, encouraging more users to participate in LRT protocol staking. From Pencils Protocol's standpoint, by supporting staking incentives for various LRT assets, it quickly attracts potential holding users of these projects and assets.

On the other hand, from the perspective of pre-market incentives, this field is currently in an early growth stage, with a series of pre-market incentive trading markets emerging, including Whales Market and Pendle. Similar to Pencils Protocol, which has leveraged utility, the pre-market incentive output side is highly popular and in demand. Currently, Staking is the main section open in Pencils Protocol, and under the promotion of this section, its single-chain TVL can achieve explosive growth and quickly surpass $300 million, making it not only the highest TVL project in the Scroll ecosystem but also firmly positioned at the top of the LRT track and pre-market incentive market. Currently, Pencils Protocol can still provide various pre-market incentive rewards in a leveraged manner, allowing users to continuously capture numerous Alpha opportunities in this direction.


The Vault section is a native yield market centered around a liquidity mining model, but it further incorporates leverage factors into the existing LP model, allowing users to obtain LP yields multiple times through borrowing and leverage.

The Vault section connects to Staking pools, supporting users in borrowing assets from the Staking pool. On the other hand, the Vault 1.0 version will connect to the liquidity pools of various DEXs in the Scroll ecosystem, allowing users to become LPs through liquidity mining and capture liquidity mining yields.

In this model, users can achieve higher returns with less capital through leverage, and only need to pay a portion of their earnings as interest to Pencils Protocol. Additionally, early active participants in the Vaults can not only receive basic rewards for deposit staking and LP staking but can also earn high multiples of points and token rewards, significantly enhancing user participation in the Vault section.

Users can borrow funds through the Vault to increase yields. For example, for users mining ETH-USDC LP:

  • Users hold a small amount of USDC and can choose to borrow more USDC.
  • The Vault allocates assets as 50% ETH and 50% USDC.
  • These assets are deposited into the DEX liquidity pool, and rewards are obtained after staking the LP tokens.

The interest on the borrowed funds will automatically be deposited into the Staking deposit pool to pay depositors' rewards. The Vaults pool releases funds by evaluating the principal and leverage multiples, effectively ensuring the safety of depositors' funds. Unlike classic lending protocol models, there is no liquidation risk for the funds themselves.

By connecting with various DEX liquidity pools, the Vault can continuously provide liquidity services to these DEXs, significantly improving the quality of liquidity captured by these DEXs and lowering the threshold. Meanwhile, on the Staking side, the funds deposited in the staking pool will be further mobilized, greatly enhancing the utilization of these funds, especially for various LRT assets, which can effectively capture liquidity in the Scroll ecosystem and better establish a value circulation system for these LRT ecosystems.

In fact, during the previous two market cycles, representative yield aggregation platforms like Yearn Finance and Alpaca Finance emerged. The former had an early market valuation between $3 billion and $5 billion, while the latter had a market cap of about $1 billion at its peak. Before the emergence of Pencils Protocol's Vault product, there had been no groundbreaking yield aggregation platforms. The Vault product is deeply bound to the LRT market and pre-market incentive market, providing users with a series of yield capture tools through leveraged mining.

In the long term, the Vault will focus on user asset management as its main development direction, such as integrating more quality assets and launching various asset yield methods like on-chain Delta-neutral strategies, on-chain synthetic yields, and on-chain exotic options to further broaden yield channels. Based on the valuations of Yearn Finance and Alpaca Finance, the valuation of just the Vault product section is quite promising.

Another noteworthy point is that the Vault section, backed by hundreds of millions of dollars in TVL, will have a massive business volume, and it plans to continuously use 20% of its revenue for buybacks and the destruction of $DAPP tokens, which will provide a foundation for the sustained rise in token value.

Overall, from the perspective of the Vault section, many of its designs are quite novel and form differentiated competition with other DeFi protocols. The competition across different dimensions will not only bring high-speed growth momentum to Pencils Protocol and provide the platform with continuous and considerable income but is also expected to become an important entry point for users to explore Alpha opportunities.


The auction is one of the core functions of the Pencils Protocol section, including the LaunchPad function and the auction functions for NFT and RWA assets.

In fact, Pencils Protocol was initially positioned as a LaunchPad, inheriting a series of advantages from the underlying Scroll to build a quality asset launchpad for the Scroll ecosystem. Users can discover quality assets and good projects in the Scroll ecosystem through this LaunchPad platform first, while project parties can leverage the large user base of the Pencils Protocol ecosystem to capture users, capital, and attention more broadly, further achieving early launches of the ecosystem. From the Scroll ecosystem itself, most quality projects do not have TGE (including the Scroll project itself), such as Kelp DAO, which closely collaborates with Pencils Protocol. Therefore, as the largest and earliest LaunchPad platform in the Scroll ecosystem, Pencils Protocol is expected to become an important value entry in this direction.

In addition to the conventional LaunchPad function, Pencils Protocol has further introduced auction functions for some RWA assets and NFT assets. Based on this function, a series of scenarios can be derived. For example, some real-world assets can be auctioned after being RWA-ified or NFT-ified, expanding to a broader user base to enhance the efficiency of value circulation, while the entire process can ensure fairness based on the transparency of contract execution. Similarly, some assets with certain value but lacking liquidity can also be further endowed with liquidity through auctions.

The auction function can expand to numerous scenarios and achieve combinations, while retaining interfaces for the ecosystem to expand towards broader narrative directions (Web2 + Web3).

Expansion Functions

Pencils Protocol has also built some expansion functions aimed at better driving the ecosystem's value flywheel. Currently, there are mainly two directions: one is the points system, and the other is the Shop function.

1. Pencils Points System
The points system is centered around Pencils Points, which records user behavior, such as contributions to ecosystem development (joining the community for construction and helping with ecosystem promotion and marketing, etc.), and using a series of platform functions, and issues Pencils Points to users as an incentive to promote user participation in ecosystem construction.

From the perspective of Pencils Points themselves, they are not just a pre-market incentive asset, as they can be used to redeem the ecosystem token $DAPP after TGE. Holding these points also grants a series of ecosystem rights, including:

  • Obtaining more token allocations and discounts in future projects launched on Pencils Protocol.
  • Purchasing various items, NFTs, and virtual or physical goods through the Pencils Protocol Shop.
  • Gaining higher leverage positions in the Pencils Protocol Vault.
  • Receiving priority for Pencils Protocol airdrops.

Thus, from the perspective of the points system itself, the points will promote and incentivize more users to join the ecosystem, driving users to contribute to the ecosystem and use the platform's products, further expanding the user base. The platform's development will continuously empower the points in terms of value across multiple dimensions, significantly enhancing the effectiveness of incentives, thereby increasing user stickiness and achieving a positive value cycle.

2. Shop
The Shop section is also an innovation point of Pencils Protocol. The Shop section will launch some non-standard quality assets for ecosystem users to purchase. The asset types in the Shop section are quite broad, including some NFT assets (game items, rights cards, artworks, collectibles, etc.), RWA assets (traditional financial products, auction assets, etc.), and even some physical assets. The Shop function allows the Pencils Protocol ecosystem to expand into more areas, including gaming, social, traditional finance, and other potential fields, becoming a new comprehensive Web3 trading window.

When users use Pencils Points to redeem or pay with $DAPP tokens, they can receive some discounts, further broadening the application scenarios of Pencils Points, $DAPP tokens, etc., while bringing considerable revenue opportunities to the ecosystem.

Narrative Potential of Pencils Protocol

Ecosystem Moat

In fact, the Pencils Protocol ecosystem has built a wide moat for its long-term development. We believe that the elements of this moat system include novel narrative capabilities, bilateral network effects, and the platform's revenue-generating ability.

  • Novel Narratives

As mentioned above, each product section of Pencils Protocol has been designed with differentiation and innovation. For instance, in the Farming and Vault sections, it breaks the conventional DeFi framework, allowing users to leverage Farming to mine high-quality points while achieving leveraged mining through a risk-free borrowing model. In either direction, users can achieve "twice the result with half the effort," providing good liquidity effects for B-end users.

For sections like Auction and Shop, they further retain interfaces for combinations of DeFi with potential fields like SocialFi, GameFi, and RWA, continuously broadening the narrative direction of DeFi through new combinability, and attracting users and capital from external markets rather than just focusing on the classic DeFi red ocean market.

  • Bilateral Network Effects (Dual Value Flywheel)

The bilateral network effects of Pencils Protocol are reflected in two aspects: one is the mutual promotion and growth between the Farming section and the Vault pool, and the other is the mutual promotion between Pencils Protocol and external liquidity markets.

From the first perspective, the Farming section essentially acts as a lending pool for different assets, continuously promoting the depth of the pool through highly attractive incentive measures. For example, it currently supports users in mining pre-market incentive points through leverage, attracting users to continuously stake LRT assets into the pool and mine pre-market incentive points through leverage.

From the Vault pool perspective, the better the asset thickness and depth of the single asset Farming pool, the better the user experience for borrowing that asset on the Vault side (liquidity, cost), and the higher the potential leveraged mining returns for users, which will in turn provide higher yield distributions for that asset in the Farming pool. Thus, the "Farming side" and "Vault side" form a bilateral network relationship, creating an internal value cycle flywheel.

From the second perspective, the bilateral network relationship between Pencils Protocol and external liquidity markets.

From the perspective of token liquidity markets, the "Farming side" and "Vault side" of Pencils Protocol serve as the entry and exit points for liquidity, respectively. Users stake assets through the "Farming side" and leverage mine through the "Vault side," impacting external liquidity markets (like DEXs).

For project parties, they prefer users to provide liquidity for their tokens through the Vault pool (especially since leveraged mining can bring double liquidity effects) to establish a healthier token market.

Project parties may take measures such as providing better incentive effects for Pencils Protocol's "Farming side" and "Vault side," calling for more community users to join the staking in the "Farming side," etc. The increase in staking scale on the "Farming side" is expected to further promote user income on the "Vault side," thereby motivating users to leverage mine on the "Vault side" based on the project token, bringing better liquidity effects for the project token. This process will also continuously drive up Pencils Protocol's TVL.

Therefore, the DeFi section of Pencils Protocol and external liquidity markets will continue to generate bilateral network relationships, forming an external value flywheel.

The internal value flywheel and external value flywheel will continuously achieve mutual promotion and empowerment effects. As an important liquidity engine in the Scroll ecosystem, Pencils Protocol will continuously gain value increments.

Thus, we see that even in the early stages (only the Farming section is open), Pencils Protocol's TVL can reach $300 million, and with the opening of the Vault product and the operation of the dual flywheel, this TVL data is expected to continue to soar.

  • Platform Profitability

Each section of Pencils Protocol possesses certain profitability, initially focusing on the DeFi product sections, including Farming and Vault sections.

In the Farming section, the platform will charge a small fee when users stake and withdraw rewards. Just from the current $300 million TVL (dynamic staking and withdrawal), it can already generate considerable income for Pencils Protocol.

In the upcoming Vault section, whenever users earn income from leveraged mining and future strategy library products, the platform will take a portion of that as its revenue. Notably, the income captured by users through the Vault section comes from the external ecosystem of the platform rather than a zero-sum game, such as providing liquidity for different liquidity markets on Scroll (which will be multi-chain in the future) to earn mining income. Therefore, whenever the Vault section brings profits to users, the Pencils Protocol ecosystem will gain value increments and income.

Especially with the accelerated operation of the aforementioned dual value flywheel system, the profitability of Pencils Protocol's DeFi section will continue to enhance.

In addition to the DeFi section, Pencils Protocol's Auction section and Shop section also have certain expectations for sustained profitability.

From the Auction section, Pencils Protocol itself is the asset launcher for the Scroll ecosystem, providing launch services for quality projects in the ecosystem, and it is also one of the main businesses of Pencils Protocol. Currently, the Scroll ecosystem is still in its early development stage, with many quality projects that have not yet TGE, and the Scroll ecosystem is still in a rapid growth dividend period. As an important value hub in the Scroll ecosystem, Pencils Protocol provides launch services for numerous quality projects, offering users a channel to participate in quality project launches, which will provide extensive direct income opportunities.


Moreover, as a platform that gathers investor attention, by continuously empowering sections like auctions and Shop, this attention value will also help Pencils Protocol explore more additional business models and continuously capture income from a wide range of potential markets, including RWA.

Compared to the vast majority of DeFi ecosystems, Pencils Protocol's revenue structure is layered, diversified, and extensive. These considerable revenues will continuously provide momentum for the ecosystem's development.

Overall, the novel narrative, bilateral network effects, and considerable profitability are helping Pencils Protocol build a relatively wide value moat, which is the most important foundation for the ecosystem's narrative potential.

Token Expectations

Pencils Protocol currently does not have a TGE, meaning it is still in the very early market stage, and users are more focused on the incentives of Pencils Points. Of course, we can make an early expectation for the $DAPP token.

  • Application Scenarios

The $DAPP token itself has many functions. In addition to governance, it can directly relate to users' rights and yields.

Pencils Protocol has set up a native staking plan for the $DAPP token (to be launched after TGE), allowing token holders to stake $DAPP in Pencils Protocol Farms at a 1:1 ratio to obtain proof of rights token $pDAPP. Holders of $pDAPP can earn subsidies by staking $pDAPP or provide liquidity for $pDAPP on DEXs.

In the Vault section, users who want to obtain more point incentives, higher leverage multiples, priority access to exclusive features, and richer strategy products need to stake $DAPP tokens. On the auction platform, sellers must stake $DAPP tokens to list assets on the platform to prevent malicious activities.

In terms of utility, Pencils Protocol is also planning to integrate the $DAPP token into various DeFi products, including liquidity protocols and lending services, allowing users to optimize asset allocation through providing liquidity, lending, or participating in staking, and earn additional rewards from these activities. Meanwhile, holding $DAPP tokens will further accelerate the rights attributes of Pencils Points holders, allowing them to obtain better income distributions based on different Farming methods, thereby promoting deeper community participation and loyalty.

In the Shop section, users can use $DAPP for margin trading of NFTs, RWA assets, points, and derivatives, thereby expanding the utility and application of their assets within the Pencils Protocol ecosystem.

Thus, from the perspective of application scenarios, the $DAPP token itself has extremely broad essential demand, allowing users to convert staking, holding, and using $DAPP tokens into yields and rights. The broader Pencils Protocol's business scope, the stronger the essential demand for $DAPP tokens.

  • Destruction

Pencils Protocol plans to continuously destroy $DAPP tokens through platform revenue. It has currently clarified that 20% of the revenue from the Vault section will be used to destroy $DAPP tokens. Other sections have also set up destruction mechanisms based on their profitability, which will contribute positively to promoting the deflation of $DAPP tokens.

Therefore, from the perspective of the application system and destruction plan, the continuous essential demand and deflationary nature will continuously boost the value of $DAPP tokens, which has good long-term market expectations.


Pencils Protocol is a comprehensive platform that encompasses liquidity mining, staking, lending, yield aggregation, auctions, and many other features. Its products span numerous tracks and can expand into various fields such as GameFi, SocialFi, and RWA based on a series of functional sections. Given its narrative, product functionality, overall development potential, wide ecological development moat, and explosive growth in capital and user numbers, it is expected to become a blue-chip in this bull market from a comprehensive DeFi service ecosystem direction.

To better reflect the valuation of Pencils Protocol, we have selected representative Alpha blue-chip projects from different tracks in the last two bull markets for comparison.

Yearn Finance

Yearn Finance is the original yield aggregator. Based on its total managed assets (TVL), the number of developed strategies, community participation, and integration with other DeFi projects, Yearn Finance's TVL once exceeded $4 billion, and its entire ecosystem was once estimated by the market to be valued between $3 billion and $5 billion. From the perspective of tokens, YFI's market cap was nearly $2.5 billion at its peak.


Uniswap is the largest DEX in the last two bull markets. During the bull market, Uniswap's daily trading volume exceeded billions of dollars. Based on its platform's trading volume and the scale of liquidity pools, as well as its foundational role in the DeFi ecosystem, its ecosystem valuation was once assessed by the market to be between $20 billion and $30 billion. Its token UNI reached a market cap of $22.5 billion at its peak.


Although SushiSwap was initially a fork of Uniswap, it quickly established itself in the DeFi space through rapid innovation and community-driven development. In addition to traditional AMM (automated market maker) functions, SushiSwap has expanded products including Kashi (lending market), BentoBox (universal liquidity library), and Miso (decentralized issuance platform). Considering the overall scale of the ecosystem and innovation capabilities, SushiSwap's valuation during the bull market was considered to be between $5 billion and $10 billion, and at the peak of the bull market, the market cap of $SUSHI tokens was nearly $3 billion.


Aave is the leader in the DeFi lending space. Based on the scale of lending on the platform, the usage rate of innovative products like "flash loans," cross-chain expansion capabilities, and its widespread adoption in the entire DeFi ecosystem, its valuation is around $15 billion to $20 billion. At the peak of the bull market, its token $AAVE had a market cap exceeding $6 billion.

Lido Finance

Lido is one of the largest liquid staking service providers. Based on the scale of staked Ethereum (at the peak of the bull market, Lido controlled over 30% of the Ethereum staking market share) and the platform's growth potential, Lido's ecosystem valuation once reached $10 billion to $15 billion, and at the peak of the bull market, its token market cap was close to $10 billion.

The aforementioned blue-chip DeFi markets focus more on a single area and have long maintained their leading positions in their respective tracks. It cannot be ruled out that the impact of the Federal Reserve's unlimited QE on the crypto industry has caused some leading projects to be overvalued. Considering the fundamentals and business aspects of Pencils Protocol, its ecosystem's potential valuation is expected to exceed $10 billion. Compared to the peak valuations of the aforementioned projects, the market cap of the $DAPP token is conservatively expected to be above $5 billion. Therefore, at present, the valuation of the Pencils Protocol ecosystem is severely undervalued, and the market performance of the $DAPP token after TGE is still worth looking forward to.


From the overall development history of the DeFi track, DeFi has also experienced the narrative fermentation of the year 2020, the rapid bubble of asset prices in 2021, and the disillusionment phase after the bubble burst in 2022. Currently, with the full verification of product and market fit, it is emerging from the valley of narrative disillusionment, building its intrinsic value with actual business data.

DeFi itself is one of the few tracks in the crypto field with a mature business model, and the market space continues to grow, maintaining long-term attention and investment value. However, the narrative direction of this track needs further innovation.

Pencils Protocol is making a good demonstration as a representative of the new DeFi narrative system. Backed by a layered and differentiated product system, a broad narrative direction, and long-term expected profitability, it has gradually revealed its brilliance in the Scroll ecosystem. With the comprehensive launch of the ecosystem and multi-chain expansion, Pencils Protocol is also expected to become a new unicorn in this field.

From an investor's perspective, by creating a comprehensive and innovative yield system ecosystem, it is becoming the best entry point for investors to "look forward" and continuously capture Alpha opportunities in the post-DeFi era.

Learn more:
Official website: pencilsprotocol.io/;
Official Twitter: x.com/pencilsprotocol

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