

0 Cost, no tricks, no reverse, ZK proof-of-work project Soland feeding-level fur tutorial.

Recently, the topic of "lumaomao" has once again become a topic of discussion among many cryptocurrency enthusiasts. Of course, this time everyone is generally disappointed and even angry. The reason is that first there was the witch screening battle of Layerzero, which resulted in batch screening. Then the airdrop of the PUA king ZKsync made many people cry out for being severely "lumaomaoed". Some even paid tens of thousands of dollars in gas and interaction costs, and in the end, the profit was less than one-tenth, not to mention the time and other costs.

The two "kings" of the project have made many people want to quit the "lumaomao" circle. In fact, we believe that there is no need to do so, because there are still many opportunities in the encryption track, regardless of the size of the project, the project party has the need to promote their own projects and reward early community supporters. The only difference is whether the reward method is recognized by the community and the level of attention.

The size of the airdrop return has little to do with the quality of the project. Although the "king" level projects have a strong background, they are also very competitive, and the probability of getting an airdrop is small, and there is a possibility of loss. The airdrop activities of many project parties may seem ordinary in the early stage, but they may become a dark horse in the later stage, bringing rich returns to their participants. Soland may be such a project.

Soland is a project on the Solana ecosystem that combines ZK+POW+POS. It uses innovative mining algorithms to distribute tokens. The project is currently in its early stages, and the tokens have been listed and can be traded. The official recently conducted incentive airdrop activities, allowing users to complete tasks and receive rewards without spending gas fees or interaction costs, and complete the monetization process.

What is Soland

Soland is a mining project within the Solana ecosystem. It adopts a simplified proof-of-work algorithm (PoSW) and is the first project to adopt a dual mining model. Simply put, by combining POW proof-of-work with POS proof-of-stake, the block reward is dynamically controlled based on computing power and mining difficulty, ensuring the stability of token prices. It also incorporates staking and node governance to achieve ecosystem circulation.


Soland's mining algorithm uses zero-knowledge proofs (ZKP) for transaction verification. Users can obtain computing power by subscribing to mining machines to participate in the mining process. The official conducted a 20-day pre-sale of mining machines in mid-May this year. Currently, computing power can also be purchased through the official market, and holding computing power can also obtain SLD tokens.

In addition to purchasing computing power, users can also earn points by completing incentive airdrop tasks. These points can be exchanged for computing power, and holding computing power can earn mining rewards, achieving a "zero lumaomao" process. Soland was launched in mid-May this year and is mainly for foreign users. Relatively speaking, there are not many participants from China.

SLD Token Economy

Soland's governance token is $SLD, with a total supply of 2 million tokens. The current market price is around 2u, which means the fully diluted market value is 4 million.

Currently, Soland's mining algorithm uses a simulated BTC SHA256 mining algorithm and dynamically adjusts the halving based on the network's computing power. After reaching a certain number of blocks, the production will be reduced (30 days). The total network has a computing power of 5,596,763 TH/s, and the total staking is close to 20,000 tokens. Nearly 140,000 tokens have been burned. The project has no pre-mining and achieves fair distribution. The next halving is expected to take place on July 2.

50% of the SLD tokens are allocated for POW mining, 45% for POS rewards, and the remaining 5% for incentive activities and rewards for Soland core contributors, as shown below:


Compared with other mining projects on Solana, such as Ore, which reached a peak price of thousands of dollars after going online, the current price is also close to $400, so relatively speaking, Soland is still undervalued.

Airdrop Operation Tutorial

The "lumaomao" operation of Soland is relatively simple. We need to use Telegram as an example here, and the operation method is the same for the desktop and mobile versions.

The main tasks of "lumaomao" are to join the official Telegram group, follow Twitter, check in daily, and invite friends for rewards. By completing these tasks, you can earn points, exchange them for computing power, and hold the computing power to mine LSD tokens. The mined LSD tokens can be sold or staked to earn more profits. The entire process is zero-cost, without any expenses.

  1. Enter the official Telegram mini program

Open your Telegram account and enter the following URL in the search box on the left:


Search for the bot and select it. Click "Start" and then "APP".


Then a mini program box will pop up.


Click "Starter" to enter the mini program.

  1. Complete social tasks

Soland's airdrop tasks mainly include daily check-in, Telegram tasks, Twitter follow, and invitation tasks.

Click "Daily Reward" to complete the daily check-in task.


For the Telegram tasks, click "Join" and the page will automatically redirect to the corresponding group. Join these groups (the mini program window will automatically exit).


After joining, repeat the first step to re-enter the Soland mini program, and click the "Check" button for the Telegram tasks to submit the tasks and receive corresponding points.


  1. Invite friends

Click the "Friends" button, and then click the copy button on the right side of "Invite a Friend" to copy the invitation link to the clipboard. Send it to your friends so that they can use the invitation link to log in and complete tasks. You will receive a reward of 5000 points.


  1. Exchange computing power

When our points reach 10,000 or more, we can exchange them for computing power.

First, bind the Solana wallet in the mini program. Click the "Hashrate" button, enter the Solana wallet address in your computer's browser plugin Phantom, and click the "Confirm" button. Here, the wallet binding is not yet complete, and we need to continue with the next steps.


Next, open the browser and go to the website https://soland.ai/. Log in using the Phantom wallet plugin and sign the message. This way, we complete the wallet binding.


After completing the steps, reopen the Soland mini program by following the instructions in the first step (or reload the mini program), and then click "Hashrate".

Enter the number of coins you want to exchange for computing power, or select "Largest", and click "Confirm".


Note: In some computers, the "Confirm" button may not be fully displayed, meaning that part of it may be obscured, as shown in the figure below. Click the refresh button in the upper right corner.


After completing the steps, in the Soland page of the browser, click "My Assets" to view the computing power you have exchanged. This "zero lumaomao" activity process is simple and worth participating in.


  1. Get earnings, withdraw, stake, and trade

After obtaining computing power, holding the computing power will earn corresponding SLD token rewards. The image below shows the earnings of holding 5T of computing power after 12 hours. To earn more profits, you need to obtain more computing power and hold it for a longer time, and invite more players to participate.


When the earnings accumulate to a certain amount, we can withdraw them. Open the browser and go to https://soland.ai/. After logging in with the Phantom wallet, click the "My Assets" link to see the withdrawal function.

Click the "Withdraw" button, enter the withdrawal amount on the page, and then click "Extract Now" to complete the withdrawal.

Similarly, if you want to stake the mined LSD tokens, you can click "Stake" and enter the quantity for staking to earn staking rewards.


The staking yield is also considerable. Participating in staking can achieve an annualized return rate of nearly 300%. In addition, direct invitations can receive 20% of the daily earnings of the invitees, and indirect invitations can receive 10%. The specific earnings are as follows:


The obtained SLD tokens can also be traded on exchanges such as Jupiter for USDC and other stablecoins. The price at the time of writing is around 2u.


Soland Summer Invitation Rewards Contest

In addition to airdrop rewards, Soland also has an invitation rewards activity for purchasing computing power, which runs from June 17th to July 14th. During this period, by inviting new users to purchase computing power in Soland's market, you can receive invitation rewards. Direct invitations can receive 8% of the corresponding computing power purchased by the invitee, and indirect invitations can receive 4% of the computing power.


You can find your invitation link in https://soland.ai/. Users who are invited and make purchases in the Hashrate Market during the week will earn LSD or USDT rewards for the inviter. The settlement is done once a week, divided into four weeks.

Direct and indirect invitations can share millions of dollars in rewards. The specific invitation rewards are as follows:



Soland combines mining and staking through PoSW to achieve the circulation of the token economic model. The use of ZK zero-knowledge proof technology and mining power can enhance the security of the network, and more people can participate in node governance, achieving decentralization of the network and reducing the threshold for ordinary participants. This is a very meaningful attempt and innovation for the future of blockchain.

At the same time, Soland is also friendly to airdrop participants, with low thresholds and computing power rewards, providing stable income and various referral rewards. For airdrop players, although the daily income from low computing power is relatively small, this income is long-term. As long as you continue to complete tasks and exchange for more computing power, the daily airdrop income of SLD will continue to increase. In addition, the airdropped SLD can be cashed out at any time, which is very friendly to long-term players and not just a short-term speculation process. This also reflects the meaning of the project's airdrop activities itself.

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